Slowing Down

Studying on Obsidian

๐Ÿ”ฎ Going back to my Obsidian vault, I discovered several notes from books I read months ago, without having had the time to go through, reflect, and generate a good output (for myself, for now).
I think not everything should go into Obsidian. Most probably:
  • Crypto studies
  • Spirituality/growth/meditations
Why? Because are fields of study that do not require me to be always online (so I can avoid Evernote), and make all the studying activity more intimate, more personal.
When you realize some terms, authors, concepts, keep recurring in your life in form of readings, dreams, and dialogues, thatโ€™s the time to take note of that. Theyโ€™re telling you something interesting to explore. What are they telling you? and why?
Blake, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Emerson, Thoreau, Dostoevsky, Tolstoj, Chekhov, Jung, Hesse, Jodorowsky, etc. are trying to say, in different ways, the same things.